Highland Pines School

1381 Cleaver Road
Caro, MI 48723
Phone: 989.673.5200 ~ Fax: 989.672.4603
Tracey Henry, Principal
Stephanie VanPetten,
Asst. Principal
Highland Pines is designed to serve as a centralized extension of the nine local school districts which make up the Tuscola Intermediate School District. The school provides services to those students from birth to 26 years who need highly concentrated special education and therapy services.
Highland Pines provides programs for the Early Childhood Special Education, Moderately Cognitive Impaired, Severely Cognitive Impaired, and Severely Multiply Impaired. We have special programs On Campus and Off Campus Programs for Lighthouse students
In addition to the classroom, most students are involved in adapted physical education, aquatics, music therapy, activities of daily living and community living. Many Highland Pines students also participate in competitive athletics, choir and social events such as our Prom and Spring Festival Program.
Referrals to Highland Pines are made in a variety of ways. Many younger students receive screening and placement through the STEP program. STEP is Services to Tuscola's Exceptional Preschoolers. Parents or other concerned individuals may refer a child to the STEP program. Many older students are usually referred by principals in the local school districts.
A commitment to serve. . .a promise to educate.
We Believe:
We will join parents and the community in assisting each student to reach his/her maximum level of independence as individuals.
Each student will become a responsible member of society.
Each student shall have the opportunity to grow intellectually, physically and emotionally.
Learning is a lifelong process and everyone can benefit.
Staff growth/development is crucial to obtain educational excellence.
A positive environment is necessary to enhance student’s self-confidence.
Self-esteem and a sense of responsibility are necessary for productive citizenship.
Adaptability assists in growth and change.
The more independent students become, the less restricted their lives will be.
Each student can learn responsibility when there are opportunities to give as well as receive.
A safe and predictable environment is a necessary base for improving and learning new skills.
Each student’s uniqueness and value should be recognized and provided through individualized planning and instruction.
Students learn by doing; therefore, frequent opportunities to interact and participate must be provided.
Parent Advisory Committee | |
TISD Wellness Board Policy |
Highland Pines Classroom Programs
Tuscola Intermediate School District provides the following classroom programs on behalf of each of the nine constituent local school districts. These programs are offered on a cooperative basis because the number of students needing these programs is small and the expertise of the staff required for these programs makes them difficulty to find for employment. In addition, each local district must provide a full continuum of programs to meet the needs of every student in their district and to assure compliance with state and federal laws.
Below are the types of classroom programs offered at Highland Pines School:
Moderately Cognitively Impaired Classroom Programs - MoCI
Severely Cognitively Impaired Classroom Programs - SCI
Severely Multiply Impaired Classroom Programs - SXI
Adapted Physical Education & Aquatics
Music Therapy